Why Stefan

Stefan Ryzwanowicz is dedicated to his clients by providing the best  possible service that is out there in today’s competitive market.

Greatest online media Exposure

  • Greatest Media Exposure in the World,  Stefan is part of a company  that buyers have come to expect Royal Lepage Agents to be the most professional, helpful, and best trained, while consistently providing quality service.

  • Stefan’s marketing plan works! When you list a home, Stefan will sit down with you and will work together to design a marketing plan just for your home, using the best marketing for your home.

  • Newspaper Power Stefan’s newspaper ads get attention! They don’t look the same every week and I use photographs to get attention and write ads that will make the phone ring. In addition Stefan advertises in various cultural papers.

  • Staging Your Home Stefan will give you information on how to get your home into top showing condition. The better your home looks, the more likely it is to sell fast and put more money into your pocket.

  • Internet Marketing Besides putting your home on MLS.ca like everyone else does, Stefan will also put your home on Royal Lepage’s national Website,Stefan’s Personal site along with various other sites. This will not only allow for more exposure but will also be part of an email campaign through Stefan’s monthly newsletter & real estate contacts.

  • Easy Sale Program When you list with Stefan Ryzwanowicz you get a chance to make your home an “Easy Sale” home. Both the agents who show it and the buyers who look at it will know that there will be fewer hassles if they buy your home.

  • Full Service Firm Open 7 days each week with 24-hour communication system means more Buyer inquiries, superior service and more competitor appointments for our listings.

  • Lawyer services Stefan will recommend a lawyer to his clients if they do not already have one.

  • Mortgage financing available O.A.C, fixed and variable mortgages at the best rate.